
Kundalini Activation Course

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It begins with Shiva and Shakti. As Shiva denotes Purush (Supreme Consciousness) and Shakti means Prakrit (Prakriti). Shiva (right part of the body) and Shakti (left part of the body) are the foundation of this universe which is also depicted as Shivalinga (Shivalinga). Since ancient times, inadvertently; We are following Shivling. You can see museums of Vatican city, Machu Picchu, Philippine, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Japan and Shivalinga in all part of ancient Indian sub-continent. Kundalini Shakti is related to Maa Shakti, it is present in all species that have a spine.
It is present as a bright white female serpent on the base (muladhara) chakra. Kundalini is always dormant from birth. When the Kundalini Shakti is awakened, this energy rises up through the spine and affects many mental and physical changes.
This is because during the Kundalini awakening, the chakras are opened and balanced. When a complete Kundalini awakening occurs, all the seven chakras or energy centers of your body are open. Kundalini requires many years of sadhana, both mental and physical.

Language :Hindi & English
This course can be do through distance as all videos and guidance will be send . Also video calling can also be done for solving queries and guidance. This is followed with special initiation and guidance on basis of one's experiences. Also special shaktipat and initiation will activate kundalini fastly and you will experience divine experiences in a fast manner.

Course Contents :

    2. Pranayam & Aasan
    3. Tribandh Pranayam
    4. Chakra- Mooladhar Introduction & Description
    5. Chakra-swadisthan Introduction & Description
    6.Chakra- Manipur Introduction & Description
    7.Chakra-Anhat Introduction & Description
    8.Chakra-Visudhi Introduction & Description
    9.Chakra-Aggya Introduction & Description
    10.Chakra-sahastraher Introduction & Description
    11.Brahm Granthis, Vishnu Granthi, rudra Granthi
    12.Special Mudra for Kundalini Activation

    13.Chakra Jagran & Cleansing- Mooladhar
    14.Chakra Jagran & Cleansing - Swadhisthan
    15.Chakra Activation- Manipur
    16.Chakra Activation- Anahat
    17.Chakra Activation- Vishuudhi
    18.Chakra activation- Agya
    19.Chakra Activation- sahastrahaar
    20. Tumo = special process of Activation all Chakras.
    21. Kundalini activation & urdhwarohan
    22.Kundalini Activation through Mantra
    23.Kundalini journey- Mooladhaar to Sehestrahaar
    24.Special Meditation
This is divine and most fortunate time in our life when we wish to do kriya yog to complete most desired goal in our life. Full Guidance and support will be provided for getting success in Kundalini Activation Course. For enquiry or registration

For Joining The Course contact us:
Call or whatsapp:    +91 9027769610     +91 9520381279